Tuesday, July 7, 2015

~~ Wonders of BAKING SODA~~ Q/A

Hello guys..hope you all are doing good.Today I'm gonna discuss about BAKING SODA. Yes..bakind soda can be used for beauty purpose too. It will work like a magic for your skin.


Ok..Baking Soda, also known as Sodium Bicarbonate or Bicardbonate of Soda, is derived from a natural occurring mineral, and is one of the safest and most versatile substances around. It is primarily used in cooking (baking) where it reacts with other components to release carbon dioxide, that helps dough “rise”.

But we can also use this as our scrub :) :)

Is Baking soda & Baking powder are same thing??

No its not that same. 
 Baking soda and baking powder are both leaveners used in baking, but they are chemically different. The easiest way to explain it is that baking soda is a base—it’s alkaline.

Baking powder is granulated and baking powder is more like a fine powder.

How can we use Baking Soda for beauty purpose??

ok, you can use this as a scrub. it will be a very good scrub for your whole body!!

How to make a Scrub using Baking soda??

Its very easy to make a scrub using baking soda. you will need 2-3 minutes. just take some Baking soda mix this with water/rose water. thats it..apply on your face,wait until dry.then wet your hands and very gently massage your face..do not massage very roughly. as baking soda is bit hursh..so take your time n massage gently.

Whats the benefit of using Baking soda Scrub??

Its inexpensive & available
It will make your skin smooth & soft.
It will remove your black heads and white heads.
It will help to remove blemishes & sun burn too.
It will help to prevent acne.

Is There any other effective way of using this scrub for acne prone skin??

Yes..you can mix baking soda with lemon juice or Apple cidar vinegar. 

Can I use this scrub when I'm breaking out??

Its better to avoid any scrub when you are breaking out . just let them dry and then use this for preventing your acne, 

Do not use scrub on any kind of cut, burn or bruises.

N.B   Always do a patch test before trying any new thing. just apply a small amount on your chin..and wait. if you feel itchy or any kind of discomfort then do not use this.

So thats all I wanted to discuss about. I hope I've given all answers properly. But if you have any question ..feel free to ask me.

Hope It will help you..so share this with your friends too.



1 comment:

  1. Hey dear, helpful article indeed.... (y)
    Well, I had a query......while working for acne, will this scrub leave dryness on skin?
